Maintained Mine and Machine (MaMMa)

In this project the availability, efficiency and the safety of the machines and mine plant are improved using a smart, integrated and holistic maintenance system.

MaMMa focuses on the development of a combined cyber-physical software system to improve whole mine maintenance by collecting and processing machine & infrastructure data to present analyzed conditions in a structured and clear way. This new product will lead to cost-saving extended maintenance intervals and increased operational availability. Dependencies will be pointed out and could be handled to improve production.

Members– Clausthal University of Technology
– DMT GmbH & Co.
– KGHM Cuprum Sp. z o.o.
– KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
– LTU Business AB
– Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
– Leoben University
– RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
– RWTH Aachen
Budget1,8 mln Euro
FundingEiT Raw Materials

Project consortium: