Scientists from WUST work on innovations in the processing of raw materials

As a new week began we had a guest from the ESKA Radio and a Lower-Silesian newspaper – Gazeta Piastowska, who came to ask some questions about the OPMO project. Our leader – Professor Radosław Zimroz explained how mathematicians and mining engineers work together to develop solutions making ore processing more and more efficient.

Professor Radosław Zimroz giving an interview for ESKA Radio.
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DMC team-members on the first “International Workshop on MOdelling and Simulation of COmplex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency”

Dr. Pavlo Krot and Dr. Jacek Wodecki presented their research achievements at the MOSCOSSE’2021 workshop organized by The Laboratory of Mechanics, Modelling and Production (LA2MP) from the University of Sfax, Tunisia, and the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Centre of Asset Integrity Management (C-AIM) from University of Pretoria, South Africa.

It was a pleasure to see our colleagues presenting case studies and findings in such fields of complex systems studies related to three of our projects (MaMMa, OPMO, and SafeMe4Mine) as:

  • On-line dynamical analysis of the driveline regimes to be used as a part of mill control or a separate monitoring system,
  • developing remedies against torsional vibrations and cobbles in high-speed wire rod rolling mills based on dynamical models to improve product geometry and equipment durability,
  • Separation of fault-related impulsive components from vibration signal.

We have all broadened our horizons and learned some new valuable things thanks to the exchange of knowledge with a very interdisciplinary and skilled group of workshop participants. Thank you!