Workshop Gródek

Welcome to the webpage of the Thirteenth Workshop on Nonstationary Systems and their Applications.  Following years of tradition of organizing meetings dedicated to nonstationary models in Poland, we invite everyone interested to participate in our annual event taking place in Gródek nad Dunajcem.

Our tradition is to have keynote lectures given by prominent specialists in the area accompanied by contributed talks and/or poster sessions given by young researchers. We usually have a round-table meeting dedicated to specific topics. We also provide significant unstructured time for informal interaction. Usually, the keynote lectures are held in the morning, followed by contributed talks later.

Workshop topics:

      • Inferential models,
      • Resampling techniques and spectral theory,
      • Cyclostationarity, nonstationarity,
      • Heavy-tailed distributions,
      • Engineering and economy problems and non-stationary models,
      • Detection, estimation and other related issues,
      • Vibroacoustic diagnostics of machinery.


As in the previous years, we plan to prepare a separate volume of post-conference papers to be published by Springer. Previous volumes:

Workshop organization:

Cracow University of Technology – prof. Jacek Leśkow 

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology:

      • Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Hugo Steinhaus Center – prof. Agnieszka Wyłomańska
      • Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining, and Geology, Digital Mining Center – prof. Radosław Zimroz

Contact: Jacek Leśkow (, Agnieszka Wyłomańska (