The First Business Breakfast is now over!

On Thursday, December 15, the First Business Breakfast with EIT Raw Materials was held under the key topic “Together we are shaping the mining and processing of the future for Europe’s raw material supply security!”.

The event was hosted in Building H-14 of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Magdalena Worsa-Kozak, EIT Raw Materials coordinator at PWr, opened the meeting by briefly introducing the organizers and the goal.

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Technical conference in WUST!

On November 25-26, the scientific and technical conference was held at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The main topic of the conference was „Traditions and innovations in the mining industry. GEO-3EM project for the industry – effects and inspirations”.

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Field measurements as part of the AMICOS and VOT3D projects!

This week the DMC team performed field measurements in the scope of AMICOS and VOT3D EIT Raw Materials projects. The trials took place in the underground tunnels of the “Rzeczka” complex (named after a nearby village) in Walim, Lower Silesia. The site is one of 7 former Nazi underground facilities in the Owl Mountains, constituting an unfinished massive underground construction project “Riese” (“giant” in German) of mysterious purpose. Unique conditions in the tunnels, namely a combination of irregularly-shaped rock corridors made through blasting with concrete-reinforced structures, as well as the presence of water reservoirs and darkness, create a challenging environment for mobile robots. DMC members performed various 3D data acquisitions, including a precise laser scanning survey of approximately 14 000 m³ of the subterranean volume.

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DMC at the XXV Lower Silesian Festival of Knowledge

On September 16-21, the 25th Lower Silesian Festival of Knowledge took place at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. DMC had the pleasure of hosting 163 participants from primary and technical schools. After the presentation of the DMC team, the AMICOS, ECHO, VOT3D, BrineRIS, and MEITIM projects were shown. The lecturers showed the main goals of the projects, assumptions, and results. There were also roll-ups presenting the most important information about the projects. Each project aroused great interest from the audience. At the end of the presentation, the students had the opportunity to control a robot from the AMICOS project, take pictures with a thermal imaging camera and see a physical map displayed in the sand.

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AMICOS is almost ready!

One of the final meetings of the AMICOS team

In recent days AMICOS team held one of their final meetings. We clarified the details before conducting the final demonstration of the AMICOS platform. The joint effort allowed us to develop an inspection platform to run use cases such as monitoring of the deformation of tailing dams, the thickness of pipes in large-scale pipe networks or the technical condition of underground infrastructures, such as belt conveyors. We are excited to finally be able to present the results of our work, which will happen in the upcoming weeks.

5th Polish Mining Congress

The 5th Polish Mining Congress was held on September 06-07 at the International Congress Center in Katowice. The motto of the event was “The mining industry of the 21st century – how to search for, mine and process mineral and energy resources while protecting the climate and environment?“. The purpose of the congress was to discuss the current problems of the mining industry and the challenges facing the mining industry in the 21st century. During the congress, the DMC team presented the achievements of ongoing projects to date:

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AMICOS team is getting ready to rock!

Yesterday the team of AMICOS project held a very interesting and fruitful meeting. Since the last year of the project has started, we are getting ready to show the world what we are capable of. Around the middle of this year we will perform final demonstrations of our system regarding three separate use cases. Stay tuned, more announcements will appear soon, and it will be exciting!

AMICOS team discussing the last details for the finalization of the platform.

Hand-held visual SLAM for AMICOS

We are extremely proud of our friends from Fondazione Bruno Kessler for deveolping such an amazing technology of handheld SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) device based on stereo vision. Look at these examplary results.

A view of the produced 3D dense point cloud.
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