5th Polish Mining Congress

The 5th Polish Mining Congress was held on September 06-07 at the International Congress Center in Katowice. The motto of the event was “The mining industry of the 21st century – how to search for, mine and process mineral and energy resources while protecting the climate and environment?“. The purpose of the congress was to discuss the current problems of the mining industry and the challenges facing the mining industry in the 21st century. During the congress, the DMC team presented the achievements of ongoing projects to date:

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Lower-Silesian Festival of Knowledge with DMC

And once again DMC organised a worshop on digitisation and robotics in mining for university-, school-students, and others interested in innovations in the raw materials sector. For three days Adam Wróblewski and I (Mateusz Góralczyk) held virtual meetings to tell our visitors what is happening in our labs, how digital transformation of raw materials industry progresses, what robots, drones, IoT and cloud computing has to do with mining – all in the form of case-studies from AMICOS, SafeMe4Mine, OPMO, MEITIM, and MOIRA.

Some of the fascinating topics undertaken during our meetings were: how smart apps will help inspectors to ensure productivity and safety in open-pit, and underground mines, how a 3D model of a belt conveyor or an underground corridor can be created with the help of a drone carrying a digital camera or LIDAR, how we can use remotely controlled robots to identify damages of mechanical components, or to find a human in case of emergency.

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DMC welcomes its new member

Thanks to the participation of The European Training Network on Monitoring Large-Scale Complex Systems (MOIRA), we are delighted to guest a new, promising young scientist, who is going to do the research in the area of modeling/analysis/separation approaches for long-term, big Data, heterogeneous processes for condition monitoring with a focus on non-stationary operation and heavy-tailed, non-Gaussian noise.

We are happy to announce that the new member of the DMC team – Hamid Shiri, M.Sc. has just arrived so the interchange of knowledge and inspiration is inevitable!

Hamid will spend three years in Poland doing his Ph.D. research under the supervisory of Prof. Radosław Zimroz, and Prof. Tomasz Barszcz in Poland at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, and later Phillip Tretten at the Luleå University of Technology in Sweden.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement n°955681.