DMC at Dolnośląski Festiwal Nauki

Digital Mining Center Team ‘opens up’ to share its passion at the Lower Silesian Festival of Science

For three days, from monday 21.09.2020 until wednesday 23.09.2020 our lab was virtually open, to acquaint school students and others interested in: what is going on in our labs, how digital transformation of raw materials industry occurs, what robots, drones, IoT and cloud computing has to do with mining and many other questions related with our work.

The youngest members of DMC took visitors on three, one hour trips through our international projects showing that raw materials industry aims to be smarter, greener and that mining goes digital.

We introduced the youngest to the basics of mining technology, highlighting areas of our interest and specificity of our work. We showed, among others, how a 3D model of belt conveyor or underground corridor can be created from the point cloud obtained with use of drone equipped with a digital camera or LIDAR, how we can use remotely controlled robots to identify damages of mechanical components, or to find miners in case of emergency.