New article published

We are proud to announce that members of DMC (Krzysztof Chudy, Magdalena Worsa-Kozak, and Agnieszka Wójcik) have just published another scientific article. The article presents the results of the preliminary research, which confirmed the existence of not obvious hydrogeochemical stratification in the shaft.

The paper has been published in the special issue of the Water journal entitled “Geochemistry of Groundwater”

Chudy, Krzysztof; Worsa-Kozak, Magdalena; Wojcik, Agnieszka

Groundwater Chemistry and Stratification in the Flooded Hard-Coal Mine Shaft “Nowy I” (Nowa Ruda Region, SW Poland) Journal Article

In: Water, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 3257, 2020.


MEITIM’s international workshop with DMC and The Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology

1 st International Workshop on Skills and Competencies of the XXIst Century Workforce as part of the MEITIM – Master in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Technology Integration in Mining project on 18th and 19th of November 2020.

In the first part – keynote speaker lectures were streamed from the main stage at LUT in Finland, where the future needs of workforce in the raw materials companies and organizations have been considered. The second part, in which our members: Magdalena Worsa-Kozak and Bartłomiej Ziętek took part, comprised of discussions on topics, such as:

  • Student as an engineer
  • Student as an entrepreneur
  • Student as data-analysist
  • Student as innovator

For more info – click here!
And watch the live event!

Invitation from AMICOS to the MDPI special issues

Is your research related to mapping of mining environments?
Are you interested in remote sensing, underground 3D mapping, robotics, spatial data analysis, modelling, visualisation or any other topic, that could help us to scientifically support the digital transformation of raw materials sector?
If yes, we would like to kindly invite you to publish!

Submit your paper in one of the fresh special issues in the Environmental Remote Sensing section of MDPI journal, in which our AMICOS project collegues and the leader of DMC – professor Radosław Zimroz are guest editors: