Our team worked hard until the very end of 2020, and we can see the fruits of this effort as the new year begins. Part of our articles, which have been submitted at the end of December to the: Energies, Sensors, and Remote Sensing journals by MDPI, together with Elsevier’s Measurement is now ready for you to read!

In the article published in the special issue of Energies journal: “Modelling and Calculation of Raw Material Industry” Dr Pavlo Krot and Prof. Radosław Zimroz, together with co-authors from the Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Transport of the Lviv Polytechnic National University propose a design of a dual-frequency vibrating drive, that can allow achieving better energy efficiency of vibrating machines.
Energy-Saving Inertial Drive for Dual-Frequency Excitation of Vibrating Machines Journal Article In: Energies, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 71, 2021. |

The work of MSc. Anna Michalak, Dr. Jacek Wodecki, Dr. Agnieszka Wyłomańska, Prof. Radosław Zimroz in cooperation with the engineer Michał Drozda from the Polkowice ore beneficiation plant has been published in the Sensors’ special issue: “Sensing Technology and Data Interpretation in Machine Diagnosis and Systems Condition Monitoring”. The authors presented the initial approach to constructing the signal model of the industrial vibrating sieving screen suspension vibrations, which can be used for condition monitoring purposes.
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