3 badges for DMC member mastering cloud computing

A rapidly developing Ph.D. student and our good teammate – Bartłomiej Ziętek has just proved that he is ready for putting his hands on new technologies. He has shown eagerness to learn how to use clouds to store, process, and distribute data in order to allow for flexible, scalable utilization of a continuously growing volume of industrial data.

Bartłomiej was determined enough to collect 3 official Microsoft Azure certificates: Azure Fundamentals, Azure Data Fundamentals, Azure AI Fundamentals in just one month period! Congrats!

After comprehending fundamental principles of cloud computing, getting acquainted with available IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS solutions, finally learning how to employ Bots, Azure Machine Learning, and Cognitive Services in practice friend of ours seems to have an even bigger appetite in knowing cloud computing inside out. We will definitely support you on this track.

The paradox of Bartłomiej is that he has his feet on the ground so he speaks to clouds 😉