On June 7, 2024, PhD students and young scientists from the DMC took part in a reporting session at the Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining, and Geology, Wrocław University of Technology. They presented the results of their research in a poster session.

Przemysław Dąbek, Spatial data analysis of mining excavation scans in the context of safety improvement
Anita Drewnicka, Analysis of vibration data from mining machines in the context of ensuring continuous production and safety
Daniel Kuzio, Application of statistical methods in fault detection, modeling and predicting machine degradation
Anna Michalak Detection of local damage in mining machinery through the analysis of the cyclostationary property of vibration data in the presence of Gaussian or non-Gaussian impulsive noise
Forougholsadat Moosavi, Application of machine learning in mining industries
Hamid Shiri, Modelling and analysis of long-term historical data of time-varying complex systems in the presence of impulsive noise for condition monitoring
Paulina Kujawa, Development of a methodology for processing bathymetric data to detect and analyze changes in the coastal environment
Bartłomiej Ziętek, IoT and Cloud Computing data analysis methods for monitoring technological processes of copper ore extraction
Kinga Romańczukiewicz, Multidimensional analysis of the impact of mining activities
Arkadiusz Macek, A method of designing high-efficiency dust extraction systems
Paweł Zimroz, Statistical Modeling for Condition Monitoring of the Machines