Public defence of PhD thesis of Hamid Shiri (5 XI 2024)

Title of the thesis: Modelling and analysis of long-term historical data of time-varying complex systems in the presence of impulsive noise for condition monitoring

Supervisors: Prof Agnieszka Wylomanska (Faculty of Mathematics, WUST), Prof Rado Zimroz (Faculty of Geoengineering Mining and Geology, WUST)

Panel: Prof Wojciech Milczarek – chair, Prof Justyna Woźniak, Prof Ryszard Blazej, Prof Leszek Jurdziak 


  • Prof Rafał Burdzik, Silesian University of Technology
  • Prof Adam Jablonski, AGH University of Science and Technology
  • Prof Szymon Gontarz, Warsaw University of Technology
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DMC members published article in ISPRS

On November 9, 2024, members of the DMC (Digital Mining Center) research team from the Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining, and Geology – comprising Przemysław Dąbek, Jacek Wodecki, Paulina Kujawa, Adam Wróblewski, Arkadiusz Macek, and Radosław Zimroz – published a scientific article titled “3D point cloud regularization method for uniform mesh generation of mining excavations. This geoinformatics-focused work was published in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, a journal with notable citation metrics (Cite Score: 21, Impact Factor: 10.6). The paper addresses the initial, automatic processing of spatial data obtained from laser scanning. The goal of the research was to create an algorithm capable of generating a mesh of sufficient quality for use in airflow simulations while preserving the actual geometry of the scanned excavation. The article is the result of work within the framework of the international research project VOT3D (Ventilation Optimizing Technology based on 3D Scanning).