Greetings from the 7’th CMMNO conference

10 years after the 1st CMMNO conference initiated by Dr. Rado Zimroz, which was held to celebrate the 70y anniversary of his Great Teacher, prof Walter Bartelmus, the 7th CMMNO conference was organized in Guangzhou June 11-13, 2021.

It was held by the Guangzhou University as the main organizer, with a group of several co-organizers: Tsinghua University, Measurement control technology and equipment application promotion association of Guangdong Province (GDMCPA), International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM), Guangdong Mechanical Engineering Society (GDMES), Key Laboratory of Conveyance and Equipment (East China Jiaotong University), Ministry of Education CHINA, AEIC Academic Exchange Information Center (AEIC).

Conference General Chairmans were: Prof. Fulei Chu, Tsinghua University (China) and Prof. Chunliang Zhang, Guangzhou University (China)

Organizing Committee Chairs were: Prof. Pingyu Zhu, Guangzhou University (China), and Prof. Lingli Cui, Beijing University of Technology (China).

It was a great privilege to deliver a keynote speech entitled: “Signal processing techniques for local damage detection in gears and bearings in presence of non-Gaussian noise – – a stochastic perspective” with Prof. Agnieszka Wyłomańska. We have also noticed with pleasure that the chairperson of our session was a friend of ours – Prof. Fakher Chaari. The feedback we received was very positive (even though the event was online…) and we received a fantastic certificate as well.

We would like to thank the organizing committee, Keynote speakers, authors, and all participants for being with us during CMNNO.
See you next time!