DMC member awarded!

We are very happy to announce that our member Justyna Hebda-Sobkowicz has been awarded a diploma of prof. Ludwik Muller for the best presentation about “Conditional variance statistic in application to the local damage detection in mining machine” on the Machine Diagnostics Symposium (XLVII Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum DIAGNOSTYKA MASZYN) that we have recently attended.

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Article published in Signal Processing Journal

We are pleased to report that the Signal Processing Journal recently published an article written by Radosław Zimroz and Agnieszka Wyłomańska in collaboration with their common Ph.D. student Piotr Kruczek, see reference below. Full citation can be found on the research page.

Kruczek, Piotr; Zimroz, Radoslaw; Wylomanska, Agnieszka

How to detect the cyclostationarity in heavy-tailed distributed signals Journal Article

In: Signal Processing, vol. 172, pp. 107514, 2020.


DMC at XLVII Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum DIAGNOSTYKA MASZYN

Yet another conference visited regularly by the members of DMC team is the Machine Diagnostics Symposium (XLVII Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum DIAGNOSTYKA MASZYN) organized annually by Silesian University of Science and Technology in Wisła, Poland. The most commonly discussed topics were: machine diagnostics using vibroacoustic techniques, simulation-aided diagnostics, IT technologies in diagnostics and diagnostics of the means of transportation.

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DMC at Szkoła eksploatacji podziemnej

On Monday, February 24~$^{th}$, the XXIX School of Underground Exploitation began in Krakow. For three days, scientists and representatives of mining companies discussed the future of the industry in the era of energy transformation. There were many sessions related to the mining industry, a discussion panel, and interactive voting.

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DMC at the Nonstationarity Workshop

At the beginning of this February, members of the DMC group attended the Workshop on Nonstationary Systems and Their Applications in Gródek nad Dunajcem in Poland. This annual event gathers mathematicians and other scientists from all over the world to discuss the recent frontiers of the research on the topics such as nonstationary and cyclostationary analytics, data science, signal processing, stochastics, and many others.

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The #MEITIM project has started!

On February 4~$^{th}$-5~$^{th}$ we have launched the MEITIM – Master in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Technology Integration in Mining project. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has warmly hosted the participants of the kick-off meeting. During the 2-days session, we had the opportunity not only to talk about ambitious goals of the project and to share our experience but also to visit impressive heritage buildings, library and museum of UPM School of Mines and Energy.
The big challenge ahead of us!

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