DMC is on a roll!

We are exceedingly happy to announce that the Digital Mining Center team has published a record number of journal articles at the end of this year. In the last two months of 2020, as many as 11 new papers appeared. The studies present the progress of the research conducted in the scope of all the four projects (MEITIM, AMICOS, OPMO, SafeMe4Mine) in which the team is currently involved and some more. We invite the reader to get acquainted with these works listed below:

Adach-Pawelus, Karolina; Gogolewska, Anna; Gorniak-Zimroz, Justyna; Herbert, Juan Herrera; Hidalgo, Arturo; Kielczawa, Barbara; Krupa-Kurzynowska, Joanna; Lampinen, Matti; Mamelkina, Maria A.; Paszkowska, Gabriela; Szyszka, Danuta; Tuunila, Ritva; Worsa-Kozak, Magdalena; Wozniak, Justyna

Towards Sustainable Mining in the Didactic Process—MEITIM Project as an Opportunity to Increase the Attractiveness of Mining Courses (A Case Study of Poland) Journal Article

In: Sustainability, vol. 12, no. 23, 2020.

Abstract | Links

This article depicts the initial assumptions of the international project Master in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Integration in Mining (MEITIM), co-financed by EIT Raw Materials, that aims to diagnose the current state of Polish higher education in the field of mining at, among others, the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST), concerning the experience of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). The MEITIM project allowed for identifying the directions of necessary changes in the didactic process so as to provide an indispensable set of skills and knowledge for a future mining graduate.

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MEITIM’s international workshop with DMC and The Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology

1 st International Workshop on Skills and Competencies of the XXIst Century Workforce as part of the MEITIM – Master in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Technology Integration in Mining project on 18th and 19th of November 2020.

In the first part – keynote speaker lectures were streamed from the main stage at LUT in Finland, where the future needs of workforce in the raw materials companies and organizations have been considered. The second part, in which our members: Magdalena Worsa-Kozak and Bartłomiej Ziętek took part, comprised of discussions on topics, such as:

  • Student as an engineer
  • Student as an entrepreneur
  • Student as data-analysist
  • Student as innovator

For more info – click here!
And watch the live event!

Zaproszenie na Dolnośląski Festiwal Nauki

Zespół Digital Mining Center Wydziału Geoinżynierii, Górnictwa i Geologii Politechniki Wrocławskiej w ramach Dolnośląskiego Festiwalu Nauki serdecznie zaprasza na warsztaty on-line na temat:

Górnictwo – maszyny i roboty – rzeczywistość i świat wirtualny.

Przygotujcie się na przygodę z cyfrowym górnictwem. Opowiemy o tym jak roboty i drony pomagają górnikom w pracy i jak pozwalają pracować bezpieczniej. Pokażemy prawdziwą kopalnię dzięki możliwościom technologii filmowania 360. Pokażemy testy nowoczesnych urządzeń na co dzień wspierających pracę pod ziemią. Opowiemy o ciekawych międzynarodowych projektach, współfinansowanych przez EIT KIC Raw Materials, które realizuje DMC.

Warsztaty są otwarte dla wszystkich chętnych uczestników bez limitu miejsc i bez wcześniejszych zapisów.

Odbędą się on-line na platformie ZOOM w 3 terminach do wyboru:

• 21. września 2020r. o godz. 10.00 – 11.00

• 22. września 2020r. o godz. 10.00 – 11.00

• 23. września 2020r. o godz. 10.00 – 11.00

DMC at Traditions and Innovations in Mining conference

“Traditions and Innovations in Mining. GEO3EM project as an incubator for Industry 4.0” was the name of the conference held at the Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining, and Geology on November 22-23, 2019. The event was also connected with the celebrations of the Feast of Saint Barbara, the patron of miners.

Continue reading “DMC at Traditions and Innovations in Mining conference”