On June 30th DMC members had the pleasure to be part of 22nd ECMI Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics in Wrocław organized by our friends from the Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Mateusz Gabor and Jacek Wodecki presented the results of their research during the Minisymposium on non-Gaussian time series analysis for local damage detection. In particular, Mateusz had the opportunity to refer his latest research conducted within NonGaussMech project.

AMICOS is almost ready!

One of the final meetings of the AMICOS team

In recent days AMICOS team held one of their final meetings. We clarified the details before conducting the final demonstration of the AMICOS platform. The joint effort allowed us to develop an inspection platform to run use cases such as monitoring of the deformation of tailing dams, the thickness of pipes in large-scale pipe networks or the technical condition of underground infrastructures, such as belt conveyors. We are excited to finally be able to present the results of our work, which will happen in the upcoming weeks.

AMICOS team is getting ready to rock!

Yesterday the team of AMICOS project held a very interesting and fruitful meeting. Since the last year of the project has started, we are getting ready to show the world what we are capable of. Around the middle of this year we will perform final demonstrations of our system regarding three separate use cases. Stay tuned, more announcements will appear soon, and it will be exciting!

AMICOS team discussing the last details for the finalization of the platform.

Hand-held visual SLAM for AMICOS

We are extremely proud of our friends from Fondazione Bruno Kessler for deveolping such an amazing technology of handheld SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) device based on stereo vision. Look at these examplary results.

A view of the produced 3D dense point cloud.
Continue reading “Hand-held visual SLAM for AMICOS”

New research published

As always we are very happy to announce that members of DMC have published another research paper. This time it is related to dynamic modeling of vibrating sieving screen used in the mining industry. The paper has been published in the special issue of Shock and Vibration journal entitled “Advances in Fault Diagnosis and Defect Detection in Mechanical and Civil Engineering”. The work presented in this paper has been funded by OPMO project. Full citation can be found on the research page.

Krot, Pavlo; Zimroz, Radoslaw; Michalak, Anna; Wodecki, Jacek; Ogonowski, Szymon; Drozda, Michal; Jach, Marek

Development and Verification of the Diagnostic Model of the Sieving Screen Journal Article

In: Shock and Vibration, vol. 2020, pp. 1–14, 2020.


Two new articles published in MSSP

We are happy to announce that members of DMC recently published two articles in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing journal. Both of them present newly developed vibration signal processing techniques mainly aimed for machine diagnostics purposes (see references below). The work presented in those papers has been funded by MAMMA and OPMO projects. Full citations can be found on the research page.

Wodecki, Jacek; Michalak, Anna; Zimroz, Radoslaw; Wylomanska, Agnieszka

Separation of multiple local-damage-related components from vibration data using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and multichannel data fusion Journal Article

In: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 145, pp. 106954, 2020.


Hebda-Sobkowicz, Justyna; Zimroz, Radoslaw; Pitera, Marcin; Wylomanska, Agnieszka

Informative frequency band selection in the presence of non-Gaussian noise - a novel approach based on the conditional variance statistic with application to bearing fault diagnosis Journal Article

In: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 145, pp. 106971, 2020.


Article published in Signal Processing Journal

We are pleased to report that the Signal Processing Journal recently published an article written by Radosław Zimroz and Agnieszka Wyłomańska in collaboration with their common Ph.D. student Piotr Kruczek, see reference below. Full citation can be found on the research page.

Kruczek, Piotr; Zimroz, Radoslaw; Wylomanska, Agnieszka

How to detect the cyclostationarity in heavy-tailed distributed signals Journal Article

In: Signal Processing, vol. 172, pp. 107514, 2020.


DMC leader distincted!

We are very happy to announce that our leader prof. Radosław Zimroz has been elected a member of the presiding board of the Committee of Mining of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Congratulations!