Article of the year award for DMC-members and our friends!

We are proud to share the information that the winner of the inaugural Article of the Year Award in the Hindawi Publishing House for Shock and Vibration is: Development and Verification of the Diagnostic Model of the Sieving Screen written by: Pavlo Krot, Radoslaw Zimroz, Anna Michalak, Jacek Wodecki, Szymon Ogonowski, Michal Drozda, and Marek Jach.

We are very thankful for the appreciation and remain motivated to pursue with our research efforts to bring useful methods and tools to help maintain machinery in the raw materials industry (and not only) in a healthy condition ensuring efficiency and safety on-site.

If you haven’t read it yet, find our article here:

Krot, Pavlo; Zimroz, Radoslaw; Michalak, Anna; Wodecki, Jacek; Ogonowski, Szymon; Drozda, Michal; Jach, Marek

Development and Verification of the Diagnostic Model of the Sieving Screen Journal Article

In: Shock and Vibration, vol. 2020, pp. 1–14, 2020.


The work presented above has been funded by the OPMO project.

3 badges for DMC member mastering cloud computing

A rapidly developing Ph.D. student and our good teammate – Bartłomiej Ziętek has just proved that he is ready for putting his hands on new technologies. He has shown eagerness to learn how to use clouds to store, process, and distribute data in order to allow for flexible, scalable utilization of a continuously growing volume of industrial data.

Bartłomiej was determined enough to collect 3 official Microsoft Azure certificates: Azure Fundamentals, Azure Data Fundamentals, Azure AI Fundamentals in just one month period! Congrats!

Continue reading “3 badges for DMC member mastering cloud computing”

Team member distincted

We are happy to announce that dr Jacek Wodecki has been awarded with a scholarship within a “START” programme funded by National Science Foundation (pl. Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej). The scholarship has been prepared for young scientists under the age of 30, and dr Wodecki has been selected as one of 100 researchers from all over the country out of over a thousand applications.

Greetings from the 7’th CMMNO conference

10 years after the 1st CMMNO conference initiated by Dr. Rado Zimroz, which was held to celebrate the 70y anniversary of his Great Teacher, prof Walter Bartelmus, the 7th CMMNO conference was organized in Guangzhou June 11-13, 2021.

It was held by the Guangzhou University as the main organizer, with a group of several co-organizers: Tsinghua University, Measurement control technology and equipment application promotion association of Guangdong Province (GDMCPA), International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM), Guangdong Mechanical Engineering Society (GDMES), Key Laboratory of Conveyance and Equipment (East China Jiaotong University), Ministry of Education CHINA, AEIC Academic Exchange Information Center (AEIC).

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WUST at hackathon CuValley Hack

On the weekend of June 11-13, the data analytics competition – a hackathon CuValley Hack – took place. DMC and WUST representatives were among 69 teams and almost 300 participants tackling three challenges set by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. WildLab Team consisting of: Mateusz Góralczyk, Justyna Hebda-Sobkowicz, Anna Michalak, Bartłomiej Ziętek faced the problem of analyzing data from self-propelled mining machines in the context of predicting failures of their components. Despite hundreds of gigabytes of analyzed data and almost 40 hours of hard work, they did not advance to the final six in their category.

The second team, Tremor Hunters, composed of Paweł Trybała, Dariusz Głąbicki and Karolina Owczarz, tried to create a model predicting the occurrence of tremors in the area of underground exploitation. Tremor Hunters made it to the final four of the best teams in their category and presented their results during the live stream and Q&A session with the competition jury. Unfortunately, two competing solutions found more recognition among the judges and won the main prizes.

Various accompanying competitions were also held during the hackathon. We are pleased to announce that the knowledge quiz was completely dominated by representatives of DMC and WUST, who took 5 places among the TOP6!

Brand new research work published!

We are proud to announce that our colleague Dr. Jacek Wodecki has just published a single-author work presenting his achievements in the generalization of a very valuable diagnostic tool used in vibration-based local damage detection, which is spectral kurtosis.

To mitigate the problems associated with the selector of such type, (namely: the accumulation of noise and other background content of signals, and its time-invariance – and in turn – its lack of adaptivity), Dr. Jacek Wodecki generalized the approach by employing a time-varying selector. Generalization of spectral kurtosis by introducing time-variance has enabled precise localiziation of impulses both: in time, and frequency domain. The selector’s performance has been proven on simulated, and real-world data, which showed its potential in increasing selectivity – crucial in highly noisy conditions.

We encourage You to get acquainted with this valuable work to be accessed by clicking below!

Wodecki, Jacek

Time-Varying Spectral Kurtosis: Generalization of Spectral Kurtosis for Local Damage Detection in Rotating Machines under Time-Varying Operating Conditions Journal Article

In: Sensors, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 3590, 2021.

Abstract | Links

The work presented above has been funded by the OPMO project.

DMC welcomes its new member

Thanks to the participation of The European Training Network on Monitoring Large-Scale Complex Systems (MOIRA), we are delighted to guest a new, promising young scientist, who is going to do the research in the area of modeling/analysis/separation approaches for long-term, big Data, heterogeneous processes for condition monitoring with a focus on non-stationary operation and heavy-tailed, non-Gaussian noise.

We are happy to announce that the new member of the DMC team – Hamid Shiri, M.Sc. has just arrived so the interchange of knowledge and inspiration is inevitable!

Hamid will spend three years in Poland doing his Ph.D. research under the supervisory of Prof. Radosław Zimroz, and Prof. Tomasz Barszcz in Poland at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, and later Phillip Tretten at the Luleå University of Technology in Sweden.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement n°955681.

Scientists from WUST work on innovations in the processing of raw materials

As a new week began we had a guest from the ESKA Radio and a Lower-Silesian newspaper – Gazeta Piastowska, who came to ask some questions about the OPMO project. Our leader – Professor Radosław Zimroz explained how mathematicians and mining engineers work together to develop solutions making ore processing more and more efficient.

Professor Radosław Zimroz giving an interview for ESKA Radio.
Continue reading “Scientists from WUST work on innovations in the processing of raw materials”

DMC team-members on the first “International Workshop on MOdelling and Simulation of COmplex Systems for Sustainable Energy Efficiency”

Dr. Pavlo Krot and Dr. Jacek Wodecki presented their research achievements at the MOSCOSSE’2021 workshop organized by The Laboratory of Mechanics, Modelling and Production (LA2MP) from the University of Sfax, Tunisia, and the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Centre of Asset Integrity Management (C-AIM) from University of Pretoria, South Africa.

It was a pleasure to see our colleagues presenting case studies and findings in such fields of complex systems studies related to three of our projects (MaMMa, OPMO, and SafeMe4Mine) as:

  • On-line dynamical analysis of the driveline regimes to be used as a part of mill control or a separate monitoring system,
  • developing remedies against torsional vibrations and cobbles in high-speed wire rod rolling mills based on dynamical models to improve product geometry and equipment durability,
  • Separation of fault-related impulsive components from vibration signal.

We have all broadened our horizons and learned some new valuable things thanks to the exchange of knowledge with a very interdisciplinary and skilled group of workshop participants. Thank you!

Winter Robotic Olympics

Why not take advantage of the beautiful snowy weather that visited Wrocław?

Today two of our robots have been tested in conditions, that they have never experienced before. Our wheeled robot performed probably its most unusual mission ever – to carry an operator on a sleigh ride.

We have identified some significant limitations and problems to solve in order to allow robots to perform their inspection missions in, for instance, open-pit mines wintertime. We checked how low temperature affects their performance, and, last but not least -enjoyed our work a lot!

We have also discovered that spiders feel a bit lost in the winter scenery…