Mathematicians and Miners – hand in hand on the Gródek Workshop

Researchers from WUST and DMC appeared at the fourteenth Gródek workshop on Nonstationary Systems and their Applications held on-line this week to show some very useful applications of mathematics to be implemented in mining-related problems.

Among other magnificent researchers from all around the world, our colleagues have presented their research effects and interesting ideas:

  • Agnieszka Wyłomańska presented New statistical test for Gaussian distribution for platykurtic distributed random samples
  • Aleksandra Grzesiek discussed Cross-dependence measures for two-dimensional periodic AR(1) model with alpha-stable Noise
  • Justyna Hebda-Sobkowicz presented Infogram performance analysis and its enhancement for bearings diagnostics in presence of non-Gaussian noise
  • Jakub Nowicki spoke about Local Defect Detection in Bearings in the Presence of Heavy-Tailed Noise and Spectral Overlapping of Informative and Non-Informative Impulses
  • Mateusz Śliwiński – Performance analysis of new and regenerated boring crowns
  • Paweł Zimroz has shown his research on Voice detection in the sound recorded by a drone.

Our other friends from WUST, who have also taken part in the workshop sessions, ensuring a strong representation of our University, are:

  • Wojciech Żuławiński – The modified Yule-Walker method for  multidimensional infinite-variance periodic autoregressive time series
  • Piotr Kruczek – Generalized Spectral Coherence for cyclostationary signals with α-stable distribution
  • Katarzyna Maraj – Statistical test for anomalous diffusion based on empirical anomaly measure for Gaussian Processes
  • Dawid Szarek – Fractional Dynamics Identification via Intelligent Unpacking of the Sample Autocovariance Function by Neural Networks
  • Łukasz Bielak – Multi-dimensional heavy-tailed based modelling for market risk factors of KGHM mining company.

We are happy to maintain the new tradition of the involvement of mathematical minds in mining issues emerging at Grodek workshops, and can not wait until the next edition!

Meet the 2OC consortium

An extraordinary achievement of the collaboration of 57 partners representing more than 20 countries, led by Maastricht University – 2OC consortium borns!

Thanks to hundreds of hours of work of hundreds of people (including our member – Magdalena Worsa-Kozak Ph.D.) a great proposal is being created to create a digital one-stop-shop aiming at bringing cities, public institutions, businesses, innovators, entrepreneurs, knowledge centers, citizens, financial investors together to collaborate on creating multiple values for future generations as well to achieve EU Green Deal ambitions.

Continue reading “Meet the 2OC consortium”

New year – new publications

Our team worked hard until the very end of 2020, and we can see the fruits of this effort as the new year begins. Part of our articles, which have been submitted at the end of December to the: Energies, Sensors, and Remote Sensing journals by MDPI, together with Elsevier’s Measurement is now ready for you to read!

In the article published in the special issue of Energies journal: “Modelling and Calculation of Raw Material Industry” Dr Pavlo Krot and Prof. Radosław Zimroz, together with co-authors from the Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Transport of the Lviv Polytechnic National University propose a design of a dual-frequency vibrating drive, that can allow achieving better energy efficiency of vibrating machines.

Gursky, Volodymyr; Kuzio, Igor; Krot, Pavlo; Zimroz, Radoslaw

Energy-Saving Inertial Drive for Dual-Frequency Excitation of Vibrating Machines Journal Article

In: Energies, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 71, 2021.


The work of MSc. Anna Michalak, Dr. Jacek Wodecki, Dr. Agnieszka Wyłomańska, Prof. Radosław Zimroz in cooperation with the engineer Michał Drozda from the Polkowice ore beneficiation plant has been published in the Sensors’ special issue: “Sensing Technology and Data Interpretation in Machine Diagnosis and Systems Condition Monitoring”. The authors presented the initial approach to constructing the signal model of the industrial vibrating sieving screen suspension vibrations, which can be used for condition monitoring purposes.

Continue reading “New year – new publications”

DMC is on a roll!

We are exceedingly happy to announce that the Digital Mining Center team has published a record number of journal articles at the end of this year. In the last two months of 2020, as many as 11 new papers appeared. The studies present the progress of the research conducted in the scope of all the four projects (MEITIM, AMICOS, OPMO, SafeMe4Mine) in which the team is currently involved and some more. We invite the reader to get acquainted with these works listed below:

Adach-Pawelus, Karolina; Gogolewska, Anna; Gorniak-Zimroz, Justyna; Herbert, Juan Herrera; Hidalgo, Arturo; Kielczawa, Barbara; Krupa-Kurzynowska, Joanna; Lampinen, Matti; Mamelkina, Maria A.; Paszkowska, Gabriela; Szyszka, Danuta; Tuunila, Ritva; Worsa-Kozak, Magdalena; Wozniak, Justyna

Towards Sustainable Mining in the Didactic Process—MEITIM Project as an Opportunity to Increase the Attractiveness of Mining Courses (A Case Study of Poland) Journal Article

In: Sustainability, vol. 12, no. 23, 2020.

Abstract | Links

This article depicts the initial assumptions of the international project Master in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Integration in Mining (MEITIM), co-financed by EIT Raw Materials, that aims to diagnose the current state of Polish higher education in the field of mining at, among others, the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST), concerning the experience of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). The MEITIM project allowed for identifying the directions of necessary changes in the didactic process so as to provide an indispensable set of skills and knowledge for a future mining graduate.

Continue reading “DMC is on a roll!”

Saint Barbara’s Day / ‘Barbórka’

On the day we celebrate the most important of the mining customs in Poland, we would like to wish all miners good health, prosperity, and happiness!

4th December is a very special date – it is the date of Saint Barbara’s day, and the day of all miners, hence we extend our best wishes worldwide, to all the people performing this risky, tough, and indispensable labor.

According to our long traditions, celebrating ‘Barbórka’ included the essential so-called ‘Karczma Piwna’ (loosely translated – the ‘Brewer’s Lodge’) – a tavern get-together, at which mining people from fledgling students to the most respected university professors celebrated the day of their patroness in a unique way. Despite the fact that a high level of protocol applies to this gathering, the soul of fun and brotherhood is always clearly visible. Songs, witty speeches, and friendly insults can be heard during this special miners’ party. Traditional festivities start early in the morning, the participants are subjected to many challenges, and beer is enjoyed throughout the day.

To stay safe, however, still following the tradition in times of global pandemic, DMC-team celebrates Saint Barbara’s Day to a lesser extent, staying in the lab and keeping a sanitary regime, preserving a substitute for this great event by having a free day and raising toasts to the good health of all miners.


New article published

We are proud to announce that members of DMC (Krzysztof Chudy, Magdalena Worsa-Kozak, and Agnieszka Wójcik) have just published another scientific article. The article presents the results of the preliminary research, which confirmed the existence of not obvious hydrogeochemical stratification in the shaft.

The paper has been published in the special issue of the Water journal entitled “Geochemistry of Groundwater”

Chudy, Krzysztof; Worsa-Kozak, Magdalena; Wojcik, Agnieszka

Groundwater Chemistry and Stratification in the Flooded Hard-Coal Mine Shaft “Nowy I” (Nowa Ruda Region, SW Poland) Journal Article

In: Water, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 3257, 2020.


MEITIM’s international workshop with DMC and The Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology

1 st International Workshop on Skills and Competencies of the XXIst Century Workforce as part of the MEITIM – Master in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Technology Integration in Mining project on 18th and 19th of November 2020.

In the first part – keynote speaker lectures were streamed from the main stage at LUT in Finland, where the future needs of workforce in the raw materials companies and organizations have been considered. The second part, in which our members: Magdalena Worsa-Kozak and Bartłomiej Ziętek took part, comprised of discussions on topics, such as:

  • Student as an engineer
  • Student as an entrepreneur
  • Student as data-analysist
  • Student as innovator

For more info – click here!
And watch the live event!

Invitation from AMICOS to the MDPI special issues

Is your research related to mapping of mining environments?
Are you interested in remote sensing, underground 3D mapping, robotics, spatial data analysis, modelling, visualisation or any other topic, that could help us to scientifically support the digital transformation of raw materials sector?
If yes, we would like to kindly invite you to publish!

Submit your paper in one of the fresh special issues in the Environmental Remote Sensing section of MDPI journal, in which our AMICOS project collegues and the leader of DMC – professor Radosław Zimroz are guest editors:

New article in Engineering Failure Analysis

We are not slowing down! Another article by Dr Pavlo Krot, and Prof. Radosław Zimroz has been recently published in Engineering Failure Analysis journal. It presents the results of abrupt failure investigation in the structure of industrial plant for hydrostatic pressure testing tubes.

The authors proposed two options of plant modernization to reinforce the structure for safe work under pressure from 70 MPa to 125 MPa depending on the tube size and testing conditions. Such improvements have a significant potential for increasing the testing plant’s productivity.

The work presented in these papers has been funded by the SAFEME4MINE project. Full citations can be found below.

Krot, Pavlo; Zimroz, Radoslaw

Failure analysis and modernization of high-pressure hydraulic press for drilling tubes testing Journal Article

In: Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 117, pp. 104772, 2020.


New article published

Once again, we are proud and happy to announce that members of DMC have just published another scientific article. In the new work a procedure for vibration analysis of the sieving screens used in the raw materials industry is presented. The paper has been published in the special issue of Sensors journal entitled “Sensing Technology and Data Interpretation in Machine Diagnosis and Systems Condition Monitoring”.

The research that led to the publication of this paper has been funded by OPMO project.

For full citation – click below:

Gasior, Karolina; Urbanska, Hanna; Grzesiek, Aleksandra; Zimroz, Radoslaw; Wylomanska, Agnieszka

Identification, Decomposition and Segmentation of Impulsive Vibration Signals with Deterministic Components—A Sieving Screen Case Study Journal Article

In: Sensors, vol. 20, no. 19, pp. 5648, 2020.
