Title of the thesis: Fault detection procedures for belt conveyor maintenance based on AI driven multisource data analysis
Supervisors: prof Tomasz Barszcz (AMC VIbro), prof Rado Zimroz (WUST, WGGG/DMC)
Panel: prof Jan Blachowski – chair, prof Justyna Woźniak, prof Ryszard Blazej, prof Leszek Jurdziak (not present due to other issues)
- prof Anna Timofiejczuk, Silesian University of Technology
- prof Pawel Stefaniak, KGHM Cuprum RD Center
- Prof Iwona Komorska, Radom University
The thesis was prepared under the umbrella of the MOIRA project (Marie Curie Training Program)
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement n° 955681.
Decision of the Panel: 6:0 yes!
Congrats Moha Siami